Well to kick things off Elder Frei and I will be staying together for my last transfer in the mission is Finn Hill! The ward is super excited for us!
We had an amazing Miracle a woman walked up to us(Yes she walked up to us, while we were talking to a member) and she says "I been wanting to meet you guys for over a week and I contacted some sister Missionaries that I had the phone number of and they said that they will refer me to you, but it's been a week and I really wanted some help!" she had us help move some tables out of the apartment she was moving out of which was in the same apartment complex as us, she lived in the building right next to us and we had never seen her before! She told she was taught 9 years ago and was almost Baptized, but her Husband told her no. Now she is divorced and said she can do what she wants now! she wants to take the lessons again and she wants us to teach her 12 year old daughter and her 16 year old son as well!
Another Miracle, while I was eating leftover pizza, Elder Frei gets a call on the phone, the number is unknown... the man on the other end identifies himself as a Less Active who recently moved to our area, his girlfriend is on the verge of giving birth, she has 2 to 7 weeks. He had an unfortunate accident and now he has a broken leg. He and his Girl friend need help and they reach out to us and lo and behold, they live in our apartment complex! The Girlfriend is not a member and is interested to learn more!
Was able to help with even more moves, sadly all of them are for members moving out, we better get some coming in soon! Yeah I love doing service, it is nice to know that I am really helping these people out, because it is hard to move, I know, I have been a part of a lot of them!
Right now we are tri-packing and Elder Simmons is with us since his companion went home (He had it coming! he served his time), so we are currently the Zona Espanola Zone Leaders (Not really, but how cool would that be) Got a fly haircut today and am just feeling all sorts of fantastic! strange how four of my past companions go home today, Elder Hales, Farr, Barrick, and Sorensen! But hey I will not slack off and you better count on it!
Love and Prayers, Elder Larson
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