"I have seen the Marvelous works of the Lord, his word brings Peace to my heart, and I know that ALL who follow him, may obtain a Perfect Brightness of Hope!" -Elder Matthew Larson
I have yet more to say, concerning this splendid matter, but alas all good things come to those who wait!
I have had many grand experiences to tell all who have come to hear....
My fellow Disciples in Christ, this day I send forth a proclamation!
"I have seen the Marvelous works of the Lord, his word brings Peace to my heart, and I know that ALL who follow him, may obtain a Perfect Brightness of Hope!" -Elder Matthew Larson
I have yet more to say, concerning this splendid matter, but alas all good things come to those who wait!
I have had many grand experiences to tell all who have come to hear....
We are having a Baptism this Saturday at 4pm for Gwyneth Dreessen, she has been prepared by the Lord and is ready for this next step in her life. Our Bishop, Bishop Sowby, has been a great help teaching her, he pretty much taught her everything she needed to know himself, and he is the one who put her On Date too! He is by definition an "Audacious Ambassador of Glad Tidings", yes yes Elder Frei and I have a good relationship with him.
We met with our good friend Arbrie as well and she is doing Fantastic beyond belief. She Loved church and she loves the people in it. She is so happy to build a relationship with Heavenly Father, her Desire is to join the church. We know (Elder Frei and I) that she is going to be Baptized next month, she has been prepared, she is Awesome!
We were able to participate in the Member Missionary Fireside, singing beautiful songs of Praise. I was able to see my friends of wards I have served in as well as good old Mission buddies. Celeste our recent Convert came and she has already been asked to speak at a Fireside in a couple months, she is doing great and despite breaking up with her Boyfriend who is in our ward (which we finally found out that she dumped him "phew") she is growing strong in the Faith.
Our zone is currently holding the 76th Annual Hunger Games. it started Friday and will end tomorrow. The rules of the game goes as followed: you get 5pts for Meaningful contact, 10pts for handing out a Book of Mormon, 25pts for finding a New Investigator, and 50pts for getting a New On Date. Along with that at the end of each day, you may choose whether you want to keep your points or attack other District (Yes we are divided into Districts) and Games end tomorrow after District Meeting and we will be having a "Roleplay Off", to rack up some more points!
The Districts our divided as follow:
Irreantum District; Led by Elder Moulton, with Sam Valley YSA, Redmond 1st, Novelty Hill, and Big Nation
Zion District; Led by Elder Van Wagoner, with Redmond 3rd, Duval, Sammamish 1st & 2nd, and Union Hill
Then the Best District KIRKLAND DISTRICT! led by Elder Hales, with WIllows, FInn Hill(us), Lakeview, and Totem lake
This whole Fiasco started because of Elder Frei... Why you may ask, because during our weekly planning I asked Elder Frei "Elder Frei what can I do to befriend the zone better?" he said "Talk to them", which I followed with "there has to be someway to build solid friendships within the Zone", he replied "I don't know maybe get the whole zone to do something"
Then the idea sparked and we challenged the whole zone to a Cookie Bake off, then the idea somehow turned into a Hunger Games, we are still doing the bake off and I'm going to win!!!!!
Things have been going great up here in Seattle, the Sun is finally coming out, which means good thing are gonna happen!